This page describes the API for Shiftadviser in Version 1. It is a REST interface with the three endpoints "optimize", "status", and "retrieve". The intended use is that the "optimize" endpoint shall be called to submit a new instance of the shift scheduling problem (in JSON form). A jobId is returned. With the endpoint "status", the current state of a submission can be polled using the jobId. Finally, if the status is "finished", the "retrieve" endpoint shall be called to fetch the solution of the given instance with the jobId.
All calls to the endpoints require an API-token in the header. Such a token can be obtained by writing a request to
Here we describe the endpoints and illustrate the use in Postman.
Request | |
Method | POST |
URL | |
Header | key: content-type, value: application/json key: api-token, value: your_individual_token |
Body | raw: your_instance_in_JSON_form, see an example here |
Response | |
Status | 202 Accepted |
Header | key: content-type, value: application/json |
Body | raw: JSON_containing_jobId |
Example | |
Postman |
![]() |
Request | |
Method | GET |
URL | |
Header | key: api-token, value: your_individual_token |
URL-Parameter | key: jobId, value: jobId_from_optimize_call |
Response | |
Status | 202 Accepted |
Header | key: content-type, value: application/json |
Body | raw: JSON_containing_jobId |
Example | |
Postman |
![]() |
Request | |
Method | GET |
URL | |
Header | key: api-token, value: your_individual_token |
URL-Parameter | key: jobId, value: jobId_from_optimize_call |
Response | |
Status | 202 Accepted |
Header | key: content-type, value: application/json |
Body | raw: JSON_containing_planning |
Example | |
Postman |
![]() |
Seit unserer Gründung beschäftigen wir uns mit datengesteuerten Innovationen sowie mit algorithmenbasierten Lösungen und Methoden. Unser Hauptfachgebiet ist die Entwicklung und Implementierung von Optimierern, insbesondere für die Personaleinsatzplanung.
Algomia GmbH
Schachenallee 29
5000 Aarau
UID: CHE-461.339.375
MwSt-Nummer: CHE-461.339.375 MWST
Dr. Alexander Souza
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Made with in Switzerland